Uruguay Codes

Uruguay Codes

Codes of Uruguay

+598 UY - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Uruguay Codes (+598) UY / URY - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies.
(+598) Uruguay Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts
.UY is the country code for internet and national web sites

In Uruguay (country code:598), the telephone numbers use four to seven-digit local phone numbers, plus a one to three-digit i=Area_code">area code. Public utility services use three-digit phone numbers.

Montevideo and its metropolitan area use area code 02 and local numbers are seven digits long;Maldonado city and neighbor cities have area code 042 and local numbers are six digits long;in the rest of the country , area codes plus local number are seven digits long.

There is a new telephone numbering plan proposed by URSEC that increased all geographic numbers to eight digits. This plan was supposed to be implemented by June 2008 but the Uruguayan government delayed it until 2010.

List of area codes in Uruguay and Future geographical numbers

In the new telephone numbering plan, all geographical numbers will have eight digits. The change will be adding the area code to the local number or adding 4 plus area code to the local number:

Region - Area code - Phone number format
Montevideo 2 xxx xxxx
Maldonado 42 xx xxxx
Canelones 433 x xxxx
San Jose 434x xxxx
Florida 435x xxxx
Durazno 436x xxxx
Trinidad 4364 xxxx
Atlantida 437 x xxxx
Piriapolis 443 x xxxx
Minas - 444x xxxx
Treinta y Tres 445 x xxxx
Rocha - 47 - x xxxx - 447x xxxx
Colonia - 52 - x xxxx - 4452 xxxx
Mercedes - 53 - x xxxx - 453x xxxx
Carmelo - 542 - xxxx - 4542 xxxx
Nueva Palmira - 544 - xxxx - 4544 xxxx
Rosario - Nueva Helvecia - 55 - x xxxx - 455x xxxx
Fray Bentos - 56 - x xxxx - 456x xxxx
Young - 567 - xxxx - 4567 xxxx
Juan Lacaze - 586 - xxxx - 4586 xxxx
Rivera - 62 - x xxxx - 462x xxxx
Tacuarembo - 63 - x xxxx - 463x xxxx
Melo - 64 - x xxxx - 464x xxxx
Rio Branco - 675 - xxxx - 4675 xxxx
Paysandú - 72 - x xxxx - 472x xxxx
Salto - 73 - x xxxx - 473x xxxx
Artigas - 77 - x xxxx - 477x xxxx
Bella Union - 779 - xxxx - 4779 xxxx
Mobile phone numbers

For calling to a mobile phone from a normal phone have to use the prefix 09.

Prefix - Number - Operator -
09 - 4 xxx xxx - Movistar
5 xxx xxx
6 xxx xxx - Claro
7 xxx xxx
8 xxx xxx - Ancel
9 xxx xxx
Telephone numbers in Uruguay General Information and Updated References

ISO-Numeric : 858
Country : Uruguay
Capital : Montevideo
Area km2 : 176220
Population : 3449299
Continent : SA
Internet : .uy
Currency Code : UYU
Currency Name : Peso
Phone : 598
Postal Code Format : #####
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{5})$
Languages : es-UY
Geo : 3439705
Neighbours countries : BR,AR Country : UY, State : Artigas, State Name : Artigas,
Country : UY, State : Canelones, State Name : Canelones,
Country : UY, State : Cerro Largo, State Name : Cerro Largo,
Country : UY, State : Colonia, State Name : Colonia,
Country : UY, State : Durazno, State Name : Durazno,
Country : UY, State : Flores, State Name : Flores,
Country : UY, State : Florida, State Name : Florida,
Country : UY, State : Lavalleja, State Name : Lavalleja,
Country : UY, State : Maldonado, State Name : Maldonado,
Country : UY, State : Montevideo, State Name : Montevideo,
Country : UY, State : Paysandu, State Name : Paysandú,
Country : UY, State : Rio Negro, State Name : Río Negro,
Country : UY, State : Rivera, State Name : Rivera,
Country : UY, State : Rocha, State Name : Rocha,
Country : UY, State : Salto, State Name : Salto,
Country : UY, State : San Jose, State Name : San José,
Country : UY, State : Soriano, State Name : Soriano,
Country : UY, State : Tacuarembo, State Name : Tacuarembó,
Country : UY, State : Treinta y Tres, State Name : Treinta y Tres,
----- country-timezones ----- Country : UY, Zone : Montevideo, Hour GMT : -3, Continent : America ,
Uruguay Code 598 - Dial Codes, Whatsapp and SMS Messages
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